
Tonight we had FBS (Family Bible Study). In attendance were myself, my wife Julie, our 2 1/2 year old little girl, and our almost 1 year old little boy.

We started the activities with a Psalty praise song, then followed that with an adult praise song (that our daughter likes), and then a slower worship song. As we praised and worshipped, our 2 year old raised her hands and closed her eyes – copying what she sees us do as we worship the Lord, but paving the way for God to engage her little heart too.

Tonight’s lesson was about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3), and to illustrate what the 3 Hebrews did, we printed a kids sunday school activity from the internet and gave her a crayon to color with after the lesson.

Now it’s not easy to explain a fiery furnace to a 2 year old, but we did our best. Later, when putting her to bed, we read the story again from her kids Bible. How much did she understand? It’s hard to say – but the foundations are laid for her to comprehend what those three Hebrews did when they wouldn’t compromise their stance and bow down to a false God. In my daughter’s lifetime, she will have to make the same stance. In fact, we all will. For some of us it will be a simple declaration of our love for Jesus to unbelieving co-workers. For others, it will be literally choosing death over denying Jesus. We all have to be ready to make that choice – I think about that often, actually – sort’ve role-playing it in my mind. I think it’s a good exercise so I’m not shocked someday if have to make that decision.

What is fiery furnace faith? It’s standing for Christ – knowing and declaring the fact that He will deliver you from every trial – but even if He doesn’t, declaring that your faith will not waiver. He’s already done enough for us to serve Him no matter what.